The pattern is distinguished by feather-shaped designs around the upper portion and upside down heart shapes toward the bottom. This amethyst pitcher and four tumblers sold for $1,000 in 1995.
[column-half-1]Water sets, 7 piece
Amethyst, 1,500 (2001)
Marigold, 300, 310 (2011), 325, 400 (2012), 350 (2013)
Marigold, 8 piece, 375 (2007)
Water pitchers
Amethyst, 300, 325, 350 (2007), 300 (2011), 210, 350, 450 (2012)
Green, 175 (2008), 250 (2012), 275, 300, 350 (2014)
Marigold, 140, 145, 185 (2011), 300 (2012), 135, 225 (2013), 475 (2014)
Vaseline, only one known, 14,000 (1994)[/column-half-1]
Amethyst, 30, 80 (2011), 30, 80 (2012), 70 (2013), 55 (2015)
Green, 95 (2006), 165 (2011), 50 (2012), 75, 80 (2014)
Marigold, 35, 65 (2012), 23, 33 (both 2013, 15 (2014)
Marigold, etched John F. 1911, 175 (2007)
Marigold, etched Danbury Fair 1910, 60 (2012)
Spittoon whimsey from tumbler
Marigold, only one known, 7,000 (1994), 14,000 (2007)[/column-half-2]
The marigold whimsey hair receiver at the left, the only one known, sold at auction in 2003 for $1,600.
[pdb_list filter=’pattern=Feather and Heart’ sort=true orderby=”shape,color,price” order=”asc,asc,asc”]