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Peacock and Urn, Millersburg-Pat #6

There are actually 5 different moulds that were used for the Millersburg Peacock & Urn pattern (and another 5 for the Millersburg Peacock!). The easiest identifier (once you know it’s Millersburg): Peacock has no bee, Peacock & Urn has a bee.
Pictured here is Ron Britt’s drawing of the first variation of Millersburg Peacock & Urn (called Pat #6 or Peacock & Urn Large). Whenever possible, this information will be added to the database as part of the pattern name. Click here for the Summary Page of Features for all 10 Millersburg Patterns.

There is only one size of this mould, which measures 10 inches.

[pdb_list filter=’manufacturer=Millersburg&pattern=Peacock * Urn Pat *6′ sort=true orderby=”shape,color,saledate,price” order=”asc,asc,desc,asc”]