Cosmos and Cane Revisited
By Dave Noyes
I was just reading your Cosmos and Cane article posted on the Dave Doty site under the Cosmos & Cane pattern. At the end of your article you ask folks to contact you if they have a unique or rare piece of Cosmos & Cane that you had not mentioned.
I have a small 2 handled basket in that pattern in Honey Amber and it is believed to be the only one currently known to exist. I bought it as part of the John Rogers collection that was sold at ACGA this past June. It has a crack or heat check, but as the only one known, it is cherished. It is also pictured on HOC with one sale, and that was the sale to me at the ACGA convention Wroda auction this past June. I also have a complete honey amber table set, and I am a covered sugar bowl away from having a complete white table set. Those were mentioned in your article, but just thought I would let you know that I have them. If you have any leads as to where there might be a white covered sugar bowl, I would certainly love to know!!!! I love the pattern in general and have several other pieces.
Photos courtesy of Wroda Auctions and HOC.
This article first appeared in the ICGA Pump in the June 2020 issue and is reprinted with permission.