Yet another of Fenton’s little hat shapes, this one not seen as often as Open Edge or Holly. They may have four or six ruffles, be jack-in-the-pulpit shapes or even tri-cornered. Some are crimped. The shape seems to make little difference in the value.
Amethyst, 25 (2009), 45 (2010)
Blue, 55 (2004), 45 (2005), 38 (2007)
Marigold, 10, 15 (2009), 15 (2011), 20 (2012), 10, 15 (2014)
Marigold, 41.07 (eBay 2012)[/column-half-1]
[column-half-2]Marigold/moonstone, 125 (2001), 135 (2003), 80 (2004)
Marigold/moonstone, jack-in-pulpit, 65 (2006), 70 (2007)
Red, 200 (2008)
Vaseline, 75 (2008)[/column-half-2]
[pdb_list filter=’manufacturer=Fenton&pattern=Flowering Dill’ sort=true orderby=”shape,color,saledate,price” order=”asc,asc,desc,asc”]