From the Jerry & Carol Curtis Carnival Glass Miniature (HOACGA Project) page 10/24/21
Shared with permission from HOACGA
Jerry’s research showed the following information:
Tiny Elephant [Right side]
Maker: L.E. Smith**
Color: Marigold [R]
H= 1-5/8″ L= 2-1/2″
Category: Miniature
Courtesy: L. Hilkene
**Found in a 1978 Evelyn Zemel publication American Glass Animals A to Z`
** This little figurine has either an encircled “C” or “S” in the filled in space between the legs. I would suspect it may be an “S” as this was a mark used by L.E. Smith. Since LE Smith began producing miniatures in the 1920’s and the mate to this elephant in purple was found in a catalog ad, I would assume this is from the same factory.