Vintage, Millersburg

Manufacturer: Millersburg
Year(s) of Production: [infobar select=”DISTINCT yearofmanufacture” mfg=”Millersburg” pattern=”Vintage”]
Pattern Description: [infobar select=”DISTINCT patterndescription” mfg=”Millersburg” pattern=”Vintage”]
Similar Patterns: [infobar select=”DISTINCT similarpatterns” mfg=”Millersburg” pattern=”Vintage” order=”shape”]
About Millersburg Vintage
Millersburg’s grape pattern (occasionally called Vintage Hobnail) is a pattern of three clusters of grapes seeming to hang from the outer rim and fall in toward the center. Each of the three clusters extend into the center to different points. Has an exterior pattern called Hobnail and a rayed star base.
Currently bowls are only found in two sizes, the large (9″-10″) and the sauce (6″ and under). The edge treatment for the bowls are ruffled, ICS, and 3n1, the edge is sawtooth and they sit on a collar base.