Wide Rib, Dugan

Manufacturer: Dugan
Year(s) of Production: [infobar select=”DISTINCT yearofmanufacture” mfg=”Dugan” pattern=”Wide Rib”]
Pattern Description: [infobar select=”DISTINCT patterndescription” mfg=”Dugan” pattern=”Wide Rib”]
Similar Patterns: [infobar select=”DISTINCT similarpatterns” mfg=”Dugan” pattern=”Wide Rib” order=”shape”]
Year(s) of Production: [infobar select=”DISTINCT yearofmanufacture” mfg=”Dugan” pattern=”Wide Rib”]
Pattern Description: [infobar select=”DISTINCT patterndescription” mfg=”Dugan” pattern=”Wide Rib”]
Similar Patterns: [infobar select=”DISTINCT similarpatterns” mfg=”Dugan” pattern=”Wide Rib” order=”shape”]
About Wide Rib
This vase was produced for many years and is found quite easily – in fact, they were made even through the Diamond years (after Dugan’s demise). The heights of Wide Rib range from 4″ -14″ with a larger base size of approximately 3 3/4″. The easiest way to identify this vase is the ribs go all the way top ending in a ball-shaped bulge. There are some versions of this vase that have a pinched in neck and the top of the vase is flared out. These are about 5″ tall and sometimes called Pinched Rib and currently found only in peach opalescent.
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