Wigwam, Heisey

Manufacturer: Heisey
Year(s) of Production: [infobar select=”DISTINCT yearofmanufacture” mfg=”Heisey” pattern=”Wigwam”]
Pattern Description: [infobar select=”DISTINCT patterndescription” mfg=”Heisey” pattern=”Wigwam”]
Similar Patterns: [infobar select=”DISTINCT similarpatterns” mfg=”Heisey” pattern=”Wigwam” order=”shape”]
Year(s) of Production: [infobar select=”DISTINCT yearofmanufacture” mfg=”Heisey” pattern=”Wigwam”]
Pattern Description: [infobar select=”DISTINCT patterndescription” mfg=”Heisey” pattern=”Wigwam”]
Similar Patterns: [infobar select=”DISTINCT similarpatterns” mfg=”Heisey” pattern=”Wigwam” order=”shape”]
About Wigwam
Heisey’s pattern #124 was introduced circa 1897, so this may be cold flashed Early American Pressed Glass.Known only in a tumbler shape and only reported in marigold.
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