by Brian Foster | Nov 29, 2015
Strawberry Scroll pitchers have a pinched in waist and a scroll design around the chest. The few pitchers available always sell at good prices. Even tumblers are hard to find. The tumbler photo is courtesy of Seeck Auctions.
by Brian Foster | Nov 29, 2015
These juice sets were probably made by Jeannette and are from the depression era. This set sold for $60 in 2013. Photo courtesy of Seeck Auctions.
by Brian Foster | Nov 29, 2015
Strawberry Wreath, which some refer to as Millersburg Strawberry, uses essentially the same design as Millersburg’s Blackberry Wreath and Grape Wreath patterns except that this one has no center detail other than a tiny dot on some shapes. No plates are known,...
by Brian Foster | Nov 29, 2015
Stream of Hearts (sometimes called Streaming Hearts) is closely related to Fenton’s Heart and Vine and Hearts and Trees patterns. All have the same type of heart-shaped leaf design.
by Brian Foster | Nov 29, 2015
Strutting Peacock is found only in this breakfast set of a small covered creamer and sugar. For some reason, the lids are never iridized. Westmoreland reproduced these in the 1970s and whimsied the sugar base into a small rosebowl for Levay.