by Brian Foster | Nov 29, 2015
[column-half-1][/column-half-1][column-half-2][/column-half-2] Found only in bonbons, Fenton’s Strawberry has two sprigs of strawberries. A few examples have an additional strawberry on the bottom of the base (right photo) and are more valuable. The left photo...
by Brian Foster | Nov 29, 2015
[column-half-1][/column-half-1] [column-half-2][/column-half-2] Only seen on bowls and plates, Northwoods Strawberry has a sprig of strawberries and leaves circling the surface. A similar Northwood design, Wild Strawberry, adds some small blossoms toward the outside...
by Brian Foster | Nov 29, 2015
These 7 1/2-inch tall vases usually have just so-so iridescence, and only in marigold. At live auctions they bring between $5 and $10. The example shown here sold on eBay in 2005 for $162. Similar to Jenkins’ Golden Flowers vase. Photo courtesy of Samantha...
by Brian Foster | Nov 29, 2015
An unusual design combining a strawberry interior bowl and a lily that has an abstract pattern of quilted diamonds and hobbed panels. As with other epergnes, this one is subject to damage around the hole where the lily fits–or to the end of the lily. Known only...
by Brian Foster | Nov 29, 2015
So far reported only in this shape called a bonboniere.