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Starlyte Shade, Imperial

Found in both gas lamp style as show here and electric. Two sold in 2000 for $8 and $45 and one in 2013 went for $2. The one shown here sold for $15 in 2015. [pdb_list filter=’pattern=Starlyte’ sort=true orderby=”shape,color,price”...

Starspray, Imperial

Named for the spray of stars and leaves on the exterior. The interior is plain. Usually found in 6-6 1/2 inch bowls but occasionally in plates or with the bowl in a metal holder making it a bride’s basket (right photo).

Star Medallion, Imperial

Star Medallion is aptly named with a large multi-point star on an octagonal medallion resting against a cane background. Lots of shapes found in this pattern. Shown here are a tumbler, a bouquet vase, and milk pitcher. Above right shows the two different sizes of...

Starfish, Dugan

[column-half-1][/column-half-1][column-half-2] [/column-half-2] Less elaborate than Dugan’s Five Hearts, Starfish has six heart-shaped elements radiating out from the center. The hearts are fairly pronounced and there is a fine mesh within them. Also,...

Starflower, Fenton

No tumblers are known that match the pitcher pattern. Some collectors wonder if the Milady tumblers were intended for this pitcher as well. Few of these pitchers come on the market. In 2006, Sally Marbich of Pennsylvania, sent me a photo of her green pitcher, so at...