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Starlight, Karhula

Glen and Stephen Thistlewood, in their book, A Century of Carnival Glass, report this rare vase in three shapes, incurving, flared, and waisted–as shown in a 1934 Karhula (Finnish) catalog. This blue example is 5 1/4 inches tall with a 2 3/8 inch base. It sold...

Star and Fan

[column-half-1][/column-half-1] [column-half-2][/column-half-2] Seen primarily in marigold cordial sets (some call the wine sets). The set at the left is in an unusual blue with marigold iridescence. This spectacular 4-piece set (including undertray) sold in 1999 for...

Star and File, Imperial

[column-half-1][/column-half-1][column-half-2][/column-half-2] Star and File can be identified by its large 8-pointed star on a hexagonal shape with file panels between each star. Apparently a popular pattern in its day as it was made in so many shapes. However, the...

Star of David and Bows, Northwood

Northwood’s version of the Star of David design incorporates a ring of bows around the central star. These bowls have a dome foot and vintage grape back. Also see Imperial’s Star of David. [column-half-1]Bowls, 7-8 inches Amethyst/purple, 20, 30, 50, 55...

Star of David, Imperial

Not hard to identify but still occasionally mixed up with Northwood’s Star of David and Bows. This one has Imperial’s Arcs pattern on the reverse which can be seen through this ruffled bowl. These are invariably ruffled like this one but, uncharacteristic...