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Peach, Northwood

[column-half-1][/column-half-1][column-half-2][/column-half-2] Understated but elegant, Northwood’s Peach is usually seen in blue in the water set pieces and only white in the table set and berry set pieces (aside from a couple of small berry bowls). Some of the...

Panaji Peacock Eye, Diamond Hearts vases, Jain

Other Jain vases: CB Elephant Fish Hand Tribal Jain made many small vases in a variety of patterns. The marigold 7-inch Panaji Peacock on the left and the 5-inch Diamond Hearts are typical. Prices, when they sell, vary dramatically, especially on eBay. These both sold...
Open Edge 2 Row, Fenton

Open Edge 2 Row, Fenton

Open Edge 2 Row, Fenton Manufacturer: Fenton Year(s) of Production: 1912 Butler Bros Catalog Pattern Description: Small bowls with a basketweave exterior and a plain interior. The webbing of the basketweave has two rows of open spaces at the outer edge. Comes in two...
Open Edge, 3 Row, Fenton

Open Edge, 3 Row, Fenton

Open Edge, 3 Row, Fenton Manufacturer: FentonYear(s) of Production: Circa 1913Pattern Description: Small bowls with a basketweave exterior and a plain interior. The webbing of the basketweave has three rows of open spaces at the outer edge.Similar Patterns: Fenton's...

Octagon, Imperial

[column-half-1][/column-half-1][column-half-2][/column-half-2] Found in a wide range of shapes, Octagon was one of Imperial’s most enduring patterns. Shown left are a tumbler (two sizes known, the variant about 1/4 inch taller than the regular), a pitcher (there...